Lighthouse Legal Finance Keeps Lawsuit Loan Interests Low
When you are waging a legal battle, and you find yourself strapped for cash, often the best solution is taking out a lawsuit loan. In searching for the right deal, however, you must make sure that the loan you seek offers a capped rate, meaning that the interest the company charges you between the time you receive the loan and the time you finally reach a settlement will not exceed a certain rate.
Lighthouse Legal Finance, LLC, is a company known to provide great capped rates to those taking on lawsuit loans. Starting from as low as 1 percent interest rates, Lighthouse Legal Finance works with you to develop the most feasible plan of action for borrowing money from us.
With pre settlement funding plaintiffs are not required to pay back the money they borrow unless or until they win their case and receive money from the settlement. If they are unlucky enough to lose the case, they are under no obligation to pay back any of the sum to our company.
Interest rates are standard settings on most lawsuit loans. If you win a settlement, you pay the amount of interest accumulated from when you received the lawsuit loan, in addition to the original loan amount. Lighthouse Legal Finance sets our interest rates as low as possible, so that you retain as much as the money you need from your settlement.
To ensure you don't lose money from a settlement in paying off lawsuit loans, call Lighthouse Legal Finance for consultation today.
Labels: Lawsuit Loan, Lawsuit Loans, Pre Settlement Funding
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